At the Gonski Institute for Education we are committed to helping every child reach their full potential, educationally and in life. We also recognise that parents and caregivers play a crucial role in a child's learning and development journey.
We have developed a set of parent guides to support parents through a range of issues related to their child’s education.
These resources, developed by Dr Amy Graham (Gonski Institute for Education Research Fellow), are designed to provide quality, up-to-date information for parents and carers. The guides combine translated research with practical tips for parents and carers to use with their own child. Topics range from digital device use, to social and emotional skills, play and transitioning to high school, among others.
These guides will be regularly updated. If you have feedback about the content, changes to suggest, or topics you would like to see covered, please email us at
Being your child’s first and forever teacher: How to be an effective partner in your child’s learning
The relationship you have with your child’s school and the support you offer their learning is critical to their success. So, just how can you best become a partner on your child’s learning journey?
Why is play important?
What if you were told that there was something you could do every day to help your child learn better, feel better, behave better and grow better? What if you were also told that it would not cost you a cent? Finally, what if you were told that your child’s doctor says it is an essential part of childhood? So, what is the answer? Let the children play!
How to help your child grow up in a digital world
We are raising our children in an age of a generational shift. Earlier this year the Royal Children’s Hospital Child Health Poll in Melbourne revealed that 94 percent of teenagers, 36 percent of primary children, and 36 percent pre-schoolers have their own screen-based device. According to our recent poll, 92 per cent of parents believe that access to smartphones has reduced the time children have for daily physical activity and free outdoor play. This has us very concerned, and working hard to be the catalyst for change in Australian homes and classrooms.
Parental beliefs: Why these matter to your child’s education
All parents want the best for their children. But, have you considered how your values and expectations impact on your child’s educational potential?
Starting School: How can you help your child get ready to make the transition
Starting school is an exciting time for parents and children. Plan for a positive start to school by starting the preparation before they even enter the school gate.
Social and emotional skills: A guide for parents
Social and emotional skills are emerging as the benchmark of a well-rounded childhood. These skills can be taught and improve over time with some positive parent input.
Moving from primary to high school: How to help you child make the transition
Do you remember your first day of high school? The jitters, the excitement, even the sheer terror…. There are ways to help your child adjust so the jump from primary school to high school is not quite such a stark one.